


Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2021). Incontro ravvicinato con la dea ChioneAutoRicercaNumero 23, Anno 2021.
In questo articolo, offro alcuni spunti circa la possibilità di sperimentare i benefici, sia fisici che mentali, di una pratica di contatto con il freddo intenso. Nella prima parte, racconterò di come mi sono avvicinato a questa possibilità, riproponendo alcuni post che scrissi nel 2019, su Facebook, incluso un breve resoconto di un workshop cui ho partecipato in Polonia, con l’ormai famoso “uomo ghiaccio” (Wim Hof). Concluderò fornendo alcune informazioni più specifiche circa i meccanismi biologici che interessano questa pratica.​​​​​​​
Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2021). La filosofia del digiunoAutoRicercaNumero 23, Anno 2021.
Questo articolo si basa su un mio intervento al corso “Cibo e pensiero”, organizzato dall’Ospedale San Raffaele e svoltosi il 24 e 27 settembre 2021. Durante questo corso online, si sono avvicendati scienziati con diverse competenze, ma anche filosofi e giornalisti, in un confronto interdisciplinare sul valore del rapporto, da sempre complesso, tra cibo e pensiero. Una delle sezioni era dedicata al tema “Digiuno, salute e questioni di specie”, e in tale ambito sono stato invitato a parlare della “filosofia del digiuno”. Più esattamente, ho parlato della “filosofia del digiuno” in senso lato. Ad esempio, spiegando la sua logica (evolutiva) e i principi (cibernetici) su cui (in parte) si fonda. Grazie a quest’ampia contestualizzazione, ho offerto una lettura più oggettiva della pratica del digiuno e del suo potenziale, che non sia figlia unicamente di quei pregiudizi che vorrebbero equipararlo all’inedia e alla denutrizione.
Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2021). Digiuno strumento di vitaAutoRicercaNumero 23, Anno 2021.
Quest'articolo è una versione ampliata di una breve conferenza-intervista che ho avuto il piacere di dare via Web, il 1° giugno 2020, nell’ambito di un ciclo di otto incontri intitolati “pillole per la mente”, il cui scopo era parlare di come l’alimentazione influenzi le nostre capacità cognitive, il nostro sistema immunitario, la nostra salute e longevità, e molto altro ancora, organizzati da Viviana Kasam, presidente di BrainCircle Italia, e da Clara Caverzasio, presidente del Comitato Scientifico di BrainCircle Lugano. In quest’ambito, si è ritenuto utile introdurre anche il tema degli effetti benefici del digiuno, ossia dell’assenza di cibo.
Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2021). Sul "paradosso" dell'iperventilazioneAutoRicercaNumero 23, Anno 2021.

Chiarisco un comune malinteso circa i meccanismi fisiologici alla base delle tecniche respiratorie di iperventilazione. È infatti spesso convinzione errata di molti praticanti che aumentando il ritmo respiratorio si ottenga un'iperossigenazione dell’organismo, quando invece accade esattamente l’opposto.​​​​​​​
Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2020). Disease as a solution: the unexplored hypothesisMedium
We suggest that disease, a state usually interpreted as a problem requiring a solution, could be in itself a solution. Founding our analysis on an ultra-simplified model of the human being, we find that the problem for which disease would be a solution can be traced back to a situation of lack of proper nutrients and intoxication. We encourage the pursuit of new lines of medical research based on this inverted disease-solution paradigm, with the aim of facilitating the obtainment of a more lasting state of health, not reducible to a mere absence of disease. We also emphasize that the interpretation of disease as a useful process does not necessary imply that it wouldn’t be strategic, in some circumstances, to suppress the disease-solution, as is clear that not all solutions are risk-free. However, from the viewpoint of our hypothesis, therapeutic efforts should never primarily concentrate on suppressing symptoms, but instead on increasing the psychophysical resources. Our hope is that this change of perspective, if explored without prejudice, can give birth to a new category of pro-symptom patients, more responsible for their health and more proactive in preserving it, as well as to a new category of pro-symptom physicians, more oriented towards prevention and more collaborative with the solutions that are expressed by their patients’ organisms.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2020). The Missing Reading of the Parable: Comment on ‘The Twelfth Camel, or the Economics of Justice’, by F Ost [(2011) 2(2) J Int Disp Settlement 333–51]. Journal of International Dispute Settlement, idaa009 - PDF
In a very educational article, François Ost took us through 12 different readings of the ancient Bedouin parable of the 12 camels. In this note, we observe that the judge’s stratagem of introducing the 12th camel, which is ultimately returned to him, not only allows for solving the dispute, in pragmatic terms, but also yields the only repartition that respects to the letter the will expressed in the testament. We also show that when the stratagem of adding a camel (or more than a single camel) is available, it necessarily yields the correct outcome. Our solution, which we believe is new in relation to this ancient parable, allows one to carry forward Ost’s invitation to use this remarkable story to think about justice and the act of justice.
Aerts, D. & Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2020). Multiplex Realism. Presented at the 2nd International Congress of Consciousness, held in Miami (USA), from May 19th to 21st, 2017. Published in: AutoRicerca, Issue 21, Year 2020.
It is generally assumed that reality is contained within space; however, when we take a closer look at the strange behavior of quantum and relativistic entities, we are forced to abandon such a prejudice and recognize that our three- dimensional space (and more generally our four-dimensional spacetime) is just a temporary crystallization of a theater for reality where the macroscopic material and energetic entities can take ‘a place’ and meet with each other. In fact, according to the view of multiplex realism, which will be presented and motivated in this article, our three- dimensional Euclidean theater is only one among many theaters that can be conceived and constructed, to stage the whole of our reality. The view of a ‘multiplex reality’ has consequences not only for our understanding of the nature of the physical world, particularly when we consider the relation between classical and non-classical (quantum and relativistic) entities, but also for our understanding of the manifestations of consciousness.

Aerts, D., Ekeson, K. W., Sassoli de Bianchi, M. & Schneider, V. (2019). The secret of life. A dialogueAutoRicerca 18, pp. 21-107

Nobody ever promised that things would be easy, and they are not. Nobody ever promised that suffering would not be intrinsically part of life, including part of your life, and it is. Nobody ever promised differently, namely that each time again problems would arise, some hard ones, maybe some terribly hard ones, and some less hard ones, and that is how it is. Nobody ever promised that it would be possible to solve even the minor ones of these problems at a first try, let stand the harder ones, and so it is. Nobody ever promised that evil would not be lurking around, mostly even in those places where it can best hide its nature, and so it is. The above short description is a good characterization of life in depth and we know why it is, because we, as human beings, have awaken to it in consciousness. This is its nature because life is the moment to moment irre- versible choice and constant fight against the spontaneous re- gression to ‘just being’, which on the local level of a human body we call death. Every breath, every piece of food, every step, every smile, every embrace, every sprinkle of love, compassion, collaboration, con- struction, creation, are little parts of this constant fight against ‘just being’, or local death, the content of the second law of ther- modynamics, and on a deeper physics level the separation of mat- ter from anti-matter in time. As little individual humans we are humble participants in this great endeavor of life, this great enterprise of struggle and fight, this deep endurance of suffering, this never-ending attempting of solving problems, failing and trying again, and sometimes suc- ceeding in a local and modest victory. The deep secret of life is that if you pursue a noble goal all the characteristics of life described above become the substance of meaning, which is the food of the human mind.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2015). Taking quantum physics and consciousness seriously: What does it mean and what are the consequences? Journal of Consciousness 18. Special edition: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of Consciousness, Evoramonte, Portugal, pp. 203-268. See also (Italian version): AutoRicerca 10, pp. 105-181

In this article we present some of the foundational ideas of the so-called hidden-measurement interpretation of quantum mechanics, whose proposed solution to the measurement problem does not require any deus ex machina intervention from an abstract ego, but asks us in exchange to accept that our physical reality is mostly non-spatial, and therefore much larger than what we could expect from our ordinary experience of it. We also emphasize that, similarly to quantum mechanics, the data available today from the study of psychic and spiritual phenomena about the consciousness, if taken seriously, require us to accept, as well, the existence of a non-spatial “elsewhere” where the consciousness is able to manifest. In other terms, both quantum physics and consciousness point to the existence of larger realities extending beyond the limits of our spatial theatre. This doesn’t mean, however, that they would necessarily be the same, as is often assumed, due to prejudices rooted in materialism. In this article we also explain how the new research domain called quantum cognition has provided us with a new thought-provoking model for the non-spatial nature of the microscopic entities, in what has been called the conceptuality interpretation of quantum mechanics, and how the astonishing hypothesis underlying this new interpretation can possibly shed some light also on the nature of those non-ordinary realities that we humans are able to experience when in more expanded states of consciousness.
Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2015). A speculative solution to the astrological paradox. Journal of Consciousness 17, pp. 3-15. See also (Italian version): AutoRicerca 8, Anno 2014, pp 65-79

So far, astrology has not been able to produce significant statistical correlations. However, certain individuals could use it with some benefit in their self-research and self- development. In this article, I propose a tentative speculative solution to this paradox, based on the consciential (multidimensional, multimaterialistic) paradigm.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2013). Elementi teorico-pratici di esplorazione extracorporea. ​AutoRicerca 5, pp. 61-213

La proiezione della coscienza è un fenomeno naturale, conseguenza della para-anatomia e parafisiologia del nostro olosoma. Scopo principale dello studio di questo fenomeno, e delle tecniche in grado di favorirlo, è poterne assumere il controllo, trasformando quella che solitamente è un’esperienza vissuta in modo inconsapevole in un’esperienza pienamente lucida e rimembrata. In questo modo, non solo possiamo sollevare un lembo del grande velo, che non ci consente di scorgere la natura propriamente multidimensionale e multiesistenziale della nostra esistenza, ma altresì possiamo accedere a informazioni di prima mano circa la nostra storia personale, gli obiettivi che ci siamo prefissati quando abbiamo deciso di assumere questo corpo fisico, su questo specifico pianeta, e la natura della realtà entro la quale, da tempi immemori, ci evolviamo. In questo lavoro presenteremo in modo sintetico, ma nondimeno completo, le principali informazioni disponibili sull’argomento della proiezione della coscienza, così da offrire al lettore uno strumento teorico-pratico che gli consenta di avvicinarsi con conoscenza di causa e discernimento all’esplorazione di questo importante tema dell’autoricerca, al di fuori dei dogmatismi religiosi e dei riduzionismi della visione monomaterialista della scienza contemporanea.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2013). Subtle energies or subtle matters? A conceptual clarification.  Journal of Consciousness 16, pp. 9-40. See also (Italian version): AutoRicerca 6, pp. 51-87 - PDF

The concept of energy is central in all of modern science, and is obviously of great importance also in the study of the psychoenergetic phenomena. However, both among conventional physicists and less conventional researchers of parapsychic phenomena, there still is some confusion about a proper understanding of this concept. The purpose of the present article, mainly educational in nature, is to provide a correct interpretation of the concept of energy, and of its transport in the different physical systems. This is in order to facilitate the formulation of scientifically well-posed questions, especially in the study of the energetic dynamics associated to the still controversial subtle paramatters.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2013). Parapsychology needs paraphysics. Comment on question #13 (Appendix 3). Journal of Nonlocality, Vol. II, Nr. 1. ISSN: 2167-6283.

I have been invited to participate in a multi-disciplinary dialogue on the experimental evidence for nonlocal bio-communication, its emergent characteristics, impact on mainstream sciences and future research directions. In that ambit, I have more specifically commented a key question addressed by physicist Jean Burns, regarding the possibility of using what we already know from physics to explain the available abundant evidence that ESP can travel without apparently any physical signal to carry it. My suggestion is that, most probably, such explanation will not come from physics, but from paraphysics.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2012). Searching, researching, self-researching... Journal of Consciousness 14, p.75-102. See also (Italian version): ​AutoRicerca 4, pp. 37-70 - PDF

The main scope of this essay is to inform the new generations of scientific researchers about the possibility of adopting a new integral approach in science, which is the one of scientific self-research. By doing so, I will also explain why self-research is still not promoted on a large scale on this planet, despite being a key element in the construction of a more advanced, self-aware and peaceful humanity.​

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2012). L’arte dell’osservazione nella ricerca interiore. AutoRicerca 3, pp. 15-132

La capacità di osservare la realtà per ciò che è, e non per ciò che riteniamo debba essere, è essenziale per la nostra progressione interiore. Purtroppo, il processo di osservazione si arresta molto presto nella nostra vita, e così anche il nostro apprendimento, la nostra crescita e la nostra evoluzione. Viviamo allora, senza rendercene conto, entro i confini ristretti di una mappa creata nei primi anni della nostra esistenza, che troppo spesso confondiamo con il territorio. Per uscire da questa impasse evolutiva, l’unica soluzione è re-imparare a osservare. L’osservazione è un processo attivo e consapevole, il cui sviluppo necessita di un allenamento specifico. Solitamente però, ci troviamo in uno stato passivo, meccanico, inconsapevole, caratterizzato da una totale assenza di osservazione. Grazie al potente strumento dell’osservazione, possiamo accedere a informazioni più oggettive su noi stessi, gli altri e la realtà che ci circonda, ottimizzando e accelerando il nostro percorso evolutivo. Ma che cosa significa osservare, e qual è il livello della nostra osservazione? Purtroppo, ciò che solitamente definiamo “osservazione,” altro non è che una semplice attivazione mentale, spesso reattiva e inconsapevole, che nulla ha a che fare con questo importante strumento di indagine del reale, che richiede molta energia e consapevolezza. Esistono diversi livelli di osservazione, associati ad altrettanti livelli di consapevolezza. Esercitarsi nell’arte (e nella scienza) dell’osservazione significa pertanto accedere a stati di coscienza più dilatati, non ordinari, acquisendo progressivamente un maggiore dominio di sé, del proprio ambiente e della propria vita.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2010). From Yoga’s pranayama to Conscientiological VELO: a proposal for an integrative technique. Journal of Consciousness 12, pp. 283-316. See also (Italian version): AutoRicerca 1, pp. 101-137 - PDF 

After having emphasized some fundamental analogies between Yoga and Conscientiology, we propose to combine the practice of a specific pranayama, called Circular Breathing (CB), with the technique of the Voluntary Energetic Longitudinal Oscillation (VELO), to promote a procedure as gradual and effective as possible in achieving theVibrational State (VS). We also present an ultra simplified mechanical model, to highlight a possible mechanism underlying the functioning of these particular energetic (inner) technologies.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2009). Reply to David Lindsay’s Letter to the Journal of Conscientiology [JofC, Vol. 12, No 45, July 2009]. Journal of Consciousness 12, pp. 65-72 - PDF 

I reply to an interesting letter from David Lindsay, about the content of the mentioned paper, particularly for what concerns his proposal of a direct observation of the process of materialization of microscopic entities, by means of specifically designed OBE experiments.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2009). Interdimensional Energy Transfer: a Simple Mass Model. Journal of Consciousness 11, pp. 297-316. See also (Italian version): ​AutoRicerca 6, pp. 89-112 - PDF

A simple mass model is presented to explain the energetic separation between the physical and extraphysical dimensions. The model is also used to understand the function of the holochakra as a mediator structure which can considerably increase the efficiency of interdimensional energy transfer.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2006). A Dialogue About Science, Reality and the Consciousness - Part II. Journal of Consciousness 10, pp. 3-56. Republished (also in Italian) in: ​AutoRicerca 7, pp. 17-73. - PDF

This paper is the continuation and conclusion of a Socratic dialogue between a lecturer and a student, whose first part appeared in the previous issue of the JofC (Sassoli de Bianchi, 2007). In a non-technical style, the dialogue presents some elements for a general and operational description of reality. In this second part, the reader is introduced to concepts such as: separation, existence, possibility, personal reality and personal experience, creation and discovery, time, change and permanence, structure and complexity, distinction and connection, and many others as well. The role played by these concepts in our understanding of reality and the consciousness is explored.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2006). A Dialogue About Science, Reality and the Consciousness - Part I. Journal of Consciousness 9, pp. 365-418. Republished (also in Italian) in: ​AutoRicerca 7, pp. 75-137 - PDF

This paper is written as a Socratic dialogue between a lecturer and a student. In a non-technical style, it presents some elements for an operational description of reality. Following a brief introductory discussion about the main characterizing ingredients of a scientific approach to reality, the reader is introduced to a number of important, but unexpectedly puzzling, concepts which are at the roots of our scientific language. More specifically, using a number of simple examples, the dialogue explores the meaning of concepts such as: experimental test, property, attribute, actuality and potentiality, entity, state, certainty, identity, evolution, classical and quantum probabilities, energy, space and non-locality, and many others as well. The old questions of determinism and dualism will also be addressed, and the role played by the participatory consciousnesses in our operational understanding of reality considered.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2005). Comment on “The Quest for Proof of Out-of-Body Experiences and Allied Phenomena,” by Michael Ross [JofC, Vol. 7, No 28, April 2005]. Journal of Consciousness 8, pp. 53-62 - PDF 

In his article, Michael Ross invited us to consider the following question: “Why are OBE’s (and psychic/spiritual events and talents in all their manifestations) so difficult to empirically prove under scientifically valid conditions?”. Ross presents possible answers to his interrogative, asking the readers to respond and share their opinions. This is precisely what I try to do in this comment of mine.

Sassoli de Bianchi, M. (2005). Theorice and the global structure of the evolving reality. Journal of Consciousness 8, pp. 5-29. See also (Italian version): ​AutoRicerca 4, pp. 71-101 - PDF 

This article is a conceptual speculative statement about the origin and structure of our reality. We propose to view the consciousnesses’ holosomas as living holotheories of reality, evolving through the instrument of theorice and producing a fractal structuring of reality as a whole. We hypothesised that the fractal structuring process is responsible, through the phenomenon of morphoconnection, for the condition of cosmoconsciousness. The concept of cosmocompletism is introduced and its consequences for a global evolutionary scenario discussed.